November 13, 2020 3:22 PM, I’m unclear on how this is supposed to prevent companies independently gathering personal information on you and storing it outside your “pod” (y’know, the way they do constantly now) unless there’s extremely strong new legislation mandating it…, vas pup • Thank you, Bruce! Similar applies to many of the others. Unless I’m missing something? Much easier to buy an Enterprise Level Solid Pod Server to get it direct. Imagine if someone said the same about your operating system, nobody would believe it I am sure. 1) Once granted access there is nothing preventing retention and unauthorized reuse of the retrieved information. Bondholders may receive new stock in exchange for bonds, new bonds, or a combination of stock and bonds. In fact, conservatives are getting banned and shut down across the www in what can only be called the great tech purge of 2021. It seems the road to usable implementations in a long on. The bankruptcy court may determine that stockholders don't get anything because the debtor is insolvent. Thus any shareholder in those system owning companies who has seen “their value” reduced can seek via legal process to cease any and all assets upto a legaly acceptable multiple of the harms caused expressed in a monetary value. get handled? […], I’ve not bothered to read the actual spec, their FAQs seem honest enough…. No shit, those providers look mighty juicy to me. An investor might also wonder how a company can even continue to trade shares after declaring bankruptcy. Where are these people running off with their customers’ and shareholders’ money anyways? Your request (Reference Number: ###########) to transfer $### from Cash NQ-#### to Ally-#### was successfully submitted for processing on 03/16/2020 at XX:XX ET. JonKnowsNothing • Basically AWS shut down Parler for their political views. Pollard • The information contained in this Smart Alert does not constitute a recommendation by ETRADE Securities, and is subject to the Smart Alerts Terms and Conditions ( and the E*TRADE Securities Customer Agreement ( Peter E Retep • Commercial providers of pods will compete on features, and this will make it hard for them not to offer everything of which the technology is capable. Impossibly Stupid • Is the Pod encrypted while it is stored on a provider’s system? A system that successfully controls access to personal data could be used to control access to an mp3, or a video. [*] Modify and delete data in existing documents, and delete documents In any event, trading in shares of companies going through the bankruptcy process is a high risk strategy. One is the old common stock (the stock that was on the market when the company went into bankruptcy), and the second is the new common stock that the company issued as part of its reorganization plan. Viewed in this light, I think the problem is less technological than legal: laws that made data sharing without consent illegal, with credible and real sanctions for doing so would have a greater effect. November 13, 2020 5:10 PM. Companies in Chapter 11 can and do trade shares, and those shares can re-emerge with the company after the bankruptcy process is complete. Header image at 14.5MB! QUESTION 3: How do shares traded during bankruptcy proceedings re-emerge after bankruptcy? In which case, how long would something like this last before legal compulsion, marketing value proposition, debugging needs, physical pod access, etc create business incentives for the companies who “own” the pod to also control and have some limited ownership of the data? November 13, 2020 4:52 PM, Hmmm… I wonder about this. 3) Reading the “Security Considerations” of the Solid spec are terrifying. Assuming you’re one of the lucky folks that still has a job, you might elect to spend that money on consumer goods. After struggling last year amid the pandemic, Alphabet's advertising is back in business. KJN • The media industries have spent a lot of time and trouble implementing DRM, to prevent people sharing certain kinds of data, and I understand it is not entirely successful. Markdown Extra syntax via These first major deployments of the technology will kick off the network effect necessary to ensure the benefits of Solid will be appreciated on a massive scale. Data generated by your things — your computer, your phone, your IoT whatever — is written to your pod. Is Wall Street a total scam or what? Cash is still legal tender most places (where I shop at least). And if the model is managed pods by hosting companies – how exactly would this be different from managed data service providers like Google Photos, Picasa, Dropbox, OneDrive, Sharefile, …, Peter Green • The stock may be delisted on the major stock exchanges, and a Q may … check. This new opportunity to address security in the whole community’s core bias, as was once done when you wrote your volume on secure analyzing. So, trusting the provider all the way, hm? This old stock is more volatile and could be worth … I'm a fellow and lecturer at Harvard's Kennedy School, a board member of EFF, and the Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc. Why should they bother with all this when everyone is simply willing to “Login with your Facebook Account for 50 free coins!”? At first glance this seems to be at odds with how the pod is described and the vision. January 11, 2021 11:49 AM. There are a whole load of other things that are “convenient” that I take pains not to do. Thus those who have broken the rules should so far br glad they have only been evicted from the systems they rented. For those that say “they are only trying to earn a living” my reply is “Yes, they are only following orders, like all the other amoral soldiers”. It appears to be hosted by the company Inrupt, is this correct? So the user still has to know what his files are and where to put them, and manage file access. I can goof around with my operating system on my computer, but I have ZERO faith in my actually having real control over it. If you want your friends to have access to your vacation photos, you grant it through your pod. rrd • Here are 5 key questions and answers about trading in shares of a company that has declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy, courtesy of the Securities and Exchange Commission (important caveat: these rules do not apply to Chapter 7 bankruptcy). Therefore they did what the rights of ownership alowed them to do “Evict rule breakers”. It would be astonishing if the first implementation of a new idea got everything perfectly right first time, so I’m not going to rush to judgement. If you have questions, please contact us through Customer Service ( It is advised to monitor these documents, as such changes might have security implications.” is hosted on amazon/aws who overnight, just shut down an entire social networking site, Parler, because Parler has mostly conservative members, including US Senators and US Representatives. Is there an equivalent use case for enterprise pods to protect trade secrets? Sooo… what they’re selling is just an interface to ordinary OS filesystem permissions, applied to cloud storage? […], Is data in my Pod safe? When companies announce layoffs, poor financial performance during a financial quarter, or face a major scandal, stock prices can … @RK Of course you are correct, but obviously this only makes pod security worse! Does Solid mean we won’t need so many passwords? Fill in the blank: the name of this blog is Schneier on ___________ (required): Allowed HTML Maybe AOL like my brother had. A little red – sign, click on it, an x shows up and the words “delete” so I click on the x and nothing. View Inrupt stock / share price, financials, funding rounds, investors and more at Craft. Self-hosting means that your data would sit at home on your own physical hard drive or server. Employees who buy stocks without private knowledge – knowledge that has not been made public yet – cannot be accused of insider trading. Timothy Collett •,,,, Friday Squid Blogging: Underwater Robot Uses Squid-Like Propulsion →, The Problem with Treating Data as a Commodity, Insider Attack on Home Surveillance Systems, Eavesdropping on Phone Taps from Voice Assistants. Thus in real terms whilst they might be free to try to rent other services, they are now a significant risk thus not one many honest entities would wish to be involved with. This version of the authorization user interface (node-solid-server V5.1) only supports the toggle of global access permissions to all of the data in your Pod. ht tps:// Ross Snider • If you show a net capital loss, the IRS allows you … Image source: Wikipedia. November 14, 2020 11:01 AM, re: commercial-grade Enterprise Solid Server. It seems to me that a “pod” is a sort of personal cloud to which you entrust ALL your data. Extremely Insecure. Hack someone’s pod and you get absolutely everything. When you use Solid, you only need to login to your Identity Provider. Still perhaps Google will buy one. Do you want me to roll around on the floor laughing with tears in my eyes as “they get hoist by their own petard”? Once you have documented your loss, you can deduct your stock loss just like any other losing stock sale. systems up to date, by providing a central repository to pull from. If you want to buy back into the company after bankruptcy, know that the company’s OTC stock will have a “Q” at the end of the ticker name. (c) 2020 ETRADE Securities LLC, Member FINRA ( /SIPC ( November 13, 2020 2:32 PM. DangerMouse • Buying common stock of companies in Chapter 11 bankruptcy is extremely risky and "is likely to lead to financial loss" according to the SEC. Who built the site? Terrorists May Use Google Earth, But Fear Is No Reason to Ban It. November 15, 2020 8:45 AM, “…If you want your insurance company to have access to your fitness data, you grant it through your pod….”. One thing I don’t get is, if I let some third party get data from me once, whar control do I have left on that data once it is out in their hands? For example: Authorize to access your Pod? Here are a couple of key points. […]. With their “The Rights of the idividual over the rights of society or their responsabilities to society” mantras of their “True libiterian Free Market ideal”. The history of DRM shows technological approaches are fraught with difficulty. In that situation, the stock is said to be trading "when issued," which is shorthand for "when, as, and if issued." With a new startup called Inrupt, Berners-Lee aims to fix some of the problems that have handicapped the so-called open web in an age of huge, closed platforms such as Facebook. Thanks to the ECN, or Electronic Communication Networks, you can still place trades through your online trading account. Becoming an equity investor on Republic allows you to buy … Any salesman that came to my office pitching that, I’d be reaching for the flyswatter. I have a nephew who loves video games. I would need to be convinced that security of the pod exceeded anything hitherto available to be willing to entrust everything to it. The ticker symbol of stock that is trading "when issued" will end with a "V". [*] Add data to existing documents, and create new documents Corporate users have this done for them already, and grandma and Uncle Fred aren’t sure what files are or where they live anyway. Stockholders may be asked by the bankruptcy appointed trustee to send back old stock in exchange for new shares in the reorganized company. I would be curious to have Inrupt provide some reasoning about launching for enterprise first (or frankly at all)? This already seems like too-good-to-be-true. So those people are potentially convicted criminals in waiting the common accepted name for such people is “crooks”. Stock prices can drop for many different reasons. Solid allows you to precisely choose what other people and apps can read and write in a Pod. Solid is a technology for organizing data, applications, and identities on the web. 2) The “pods” have to be hosted somewhere that is not under my full control. By clicking Authorize, any app from will be able to: [*] Read all documents in the Pod Overall, it is much easier to invest in a publicly traded firm than a privately-held company. Data Is a Toxic Asset, So Why Not Throw It Out? Since this is “mad money”, you might instead elect to invest that money into the stock … For tax purposes, holders of worthless stock should contact an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) office or call 1-800-829-1040 for information about how to report worthless securities as a loss on an income tax return. Here’s what you need to know about your stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more in bull and bear markets. Sometimes the new stock may not have been issued by the company, although it has been authorized. Here are 5 important things to know about trading shares of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy company. There is no federal law that prohibits trading of securities of companies in bankruptcy. Inrupt, the startup from World Wide Web founder Tim Berners-Lee, announced an enterprise version of the Solid privacy platform today, which allows large organizations and … November 16, 2020 6:47 PM. It’s exciting to see organizations using Solid to improve the lives of everyday people — through better healthcare, more efficient government services and much more. There’s no security in a pod will ALL your data from throughout your day in great detail. And while they were the ones who asked for it, they are not the ones who are curious about it. It depends on the Pod Provider. Editor's Note: This story was published in Sept. 2010. Direct Stock Plans . Also, I can’t help but wonder, that anything that becomes uniquely personal, is bringing people closer to some chip-in-a-brain kind of future, I don’t like that. Using Form 8949 and Schedule D, offset your gains and losses to determine your net capital gain or loss. This will add the application origin to your authorization list, without granting it permission to any of your data yet. Great idea!” so I’m leaning towards thinking I’m not crazy. Inrupt, the startup from World Wide Web founder Tim Berners-Lee, announced an enterprise version of the Solid privacy platform today, which allows large organizations and governments to build … And it will turn out just like the Windows 10 feature of constantly asking for authorization, or Apps asking for permission to access various types of data, you automatically say OK or you turn off the function that asks for permission. Once users have a Solid Pod, the data there can be extended, linked, and repurposed in valuable new ways. It’s yours. November 13, 2020 2:35 PM. Any 3 … November 13, 2020 4:16 PM. The new shares may be fewer in number and may be worth less than old shares. >To contact the writer of this article, click here: >>Blockbuster Goes Bust, Shareholders Get Squat. November 15, 2020 9:55 PM. If the old common stock is traded on the OTCBB or on the Pink Sheets, it will have a five-letter ticker symbol that ends in "Q," indicating that the stock was involved with bankruptcy proceedings. Curious • It depends on the Pod Provider. Your data lives in a pod that is controlled by you. During bankruptcy, bondholders will stop receiving interest and principal payments, and stockholders will stop receiving dividends. November 18, 2020 12:00 PM. But there are other options to consider. November 13, 2020 3:00 PM. I have the same question and appreciate clarification. All my data from all IOTs and phones and computers written to one convenient location for Law Enforcement, Courts, and anyone suing me to access with nothing but a decision by any judge. January 11, 2021 8:12 AM. This brings up a question about what “control” actually means. November 16, 2020 11:06 AM. What David Rudling said is accurate, in fact I wouldn’t use it at all, I don’t think it can be secured. Reading this just makes me sad. We cannot respond to e-mails sent to this mailbox. For more in-depth information on trading companies whose shares are in bankruptcy, consult this SEC web page: If a stock's bid-ask spread is "$9.2-$9.3," you can sell it immediately at $9.2 but must pay $9.3 to buy it. They are the opposite to the Founders of the USA. Kurt Seifried • The SEC cautions investors to be sure to know which shares they are purchasing, because the old shares that were issued before the company filed for bankruptcy may be worthless if the company has emerged from bankruptcy and has issued new common stock. But that’s not profitable enough. Parler was shut down because they fomented group violence against innocent people in the effort to overthrow our democratically-elected government. Yes. So now your insurance company has A COPY OF your data. Action Alerts PLUS is a registered trademark of TheStreet, Inc. Each trade settles in 2 business days, so you'll be late paying for stock X, which you bought on Monday. Solid enables richer choices for people, organizations and app developers by building on existing web standards. If anything, this seems like the first thing that would have to be checked. RK • If the company does come out of bankruptcy, there may be two different types of common stock, with different ticker symbols, trading for the same company. If you don’t want to set these permissions at a global level, uncheck all of the boxes below, then click authorize. . If more people took a little pain instead of a few seconds convenience that in reality becomes a life times inconvenience, then the business models of those “Tech Gulag Commandants” would not just fail they would go bankrupt as well which is more than fine with me.