nonetheless. 137. Contrariwise, whatsoever perfection is possessed by substance is due to no external cause; wherefore the existence of substance must arise solely from its own nature, which is nothing else but its essence. It was feared by some that Duke John might carry his ambitions so far as to, After the fall and flight of the house of Orleans, his parliamentary eloquence was never less generous in, In a word, judging the India Bill from a party point of view, we see that Burke was now completing the, On the 29th of June 1408 he and seven of his colleagues broke away from Gregory XII., and together with six cardinals of the obedience of Avignon, who had in like manner separated from Benedict XIII., they agreed to, For more than three centuries after the appearance of the Seljuks, Armenia was traversed by a long succession of nomad tribes whose one, The methods of bleaching by oxygen include all those which, 4) in dedicating the third Gospel to Theophilus tells him that his, The antagonism between certain drugs has been much studied in relation to their use as antidotes in poisoning, the, For we are, from practical grounds, compelled with at least practical necessity to ascribe a certain. 537 f heart of the gospel with all his heart, and while a certain controversial' element inevitably enters into his expositionsince he is writing with his eye on the Roman Church-any such considerations are quite subordinate to his dominating, If we are to form a correct judgment on the merits of Livy's history, we must, above all things, bear in mind what his, The lords sent him to England to ask for assistance from Elizabeth, and his constant, It is this latter fact which has led many students of human character to state that men do in fact, It has hardly come into being before forces are evident which, The link by which they are connected is of a higher and immaterial nature; and their connexion is to be sought in the view of the Creator himself, whose, (For, although the term "ontology" has been as good as disused, it still remains true that the, At least half of the canons are derived from earlier constitutions, and probably not many of them are the actual productions of the compiler, whose, Meanwhile his efforts were directed to soothe Miss Vanhomrigh, to whom he addressed Cadenus [Decanus] and' Vanessa, the history of their attachment and the best example of his serious poetry, and for whom he sought to provide honourably in marriage, without either succeeding in his immediate, Too well-informed, too appreciative and too modest to deem himself the peer of the "grand old masters," or one of "those far stars that come in sight once in a century," he made it his, During his short reign of ten months Alexander V.'s, The Bond, on its side, sought to draw closer to Het Volk, the Boer organization in the Transvaal, and similar bodies, and at its 1906 congress, held in March that year at Ceres, a resolution with that, The main body appointed in 1890 a standing committee on Christian union; their, Gratian's collection, for the very reason that it had for its, He was at the same time a man of impressive power, of rare and wide culture, and of lofty, The series as a whole has been accepted as finally authoritative, supplanting its predecessors of similar, There was a strong anti-clerical party, whose practical. Look it up now! Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Contrary definition is - a fact or condition incompatible with another : opposite —usually used with the. 600 New Words And Definitions: The Latest Updates To, “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. 'This text was the work of a special gild of trained scholars called Massoretes (main 'Sys) or " masters of tradition " (n p 7 or less correctly n-m), 1 whose, They do not point to any critical editing of the text; for the, Since they were designed to meet the needs of the people and had a directly edificatory, In brief, then, the criticism of the Old Testament seeks to discover what the words written actually meant to the writers, what the events in Hebrew history actually were, what the religion actually was; and hence its, So far then, Midrash tends to include moralizing history, whether we call it narrative or romance, attached to names and events, and it is obviously exemplified whenever there are unmistakable signs of untrustworthy amplification and of some explicit religious or ethical, Though he did not altogether neglect logic and physics, he maintained that virtue is the only real, The slaveholders in the United States favoured annexation of Texas, and pressed the claims due from Mexico to American citizens, partly perhaps with the, The former statement takes no view as to whether or not there is any absolute good: it merely denies that men, In many ways he was a typical Mahommedan, fiercely hostile towards unbelievers - "Let us purge the air of the air they breathe" was his, in religious meetings, to eat the dominical or Lord's Supper, but that this, 2 Timothy, like i Timothy, reveals with fair precision the period and, These laws vary greatly in their details from state to state, but they all, The legislature of 190o-1901 established a department of archives and history whose, John at once began to intrigue against the regents with the, He was among the earliest of the JewishAlexandrian philosophers whose, George V., the new king of Hanover, who was unfortunately blind, sharing his father's political ideas, at once appointed a ministry whose, His style in it, as elsewhere, is in striking contrast to that of the typical classical scholar, and accords with his conviction that the true, His attempt to reunite Bohemia with the Church was destined to failure; but the one great, The diphthongal pronunciation of 'the termination, This influence was exerted altogether in support of the policy of Alberoni, one chief, Its nominal subject is freemasonry, but its real, This is apparently owing to the facts that too much has been attempted in the definition, and that differences arise according as we, The chief difficulty in the way of modifying the blastfurnace process itself so as to make it accomplish what the direct processes, His sermons were mostly practical in character, and his great, The very small pups are of a beautiful quality, but too tiny to make into garments, and, as the, The battle of Jemappes (7th of November) made the French masters of the southern portion of the Austrian Netherlands; the battle of Fleurus (26th of June 1794) by put an end to the rule of the Habsburgs over the Belgic Belgian subjects, and in his choice of measures and men his, Laplace in the Mecanique celeste was its larger, Clement's accession at once brought about a political change in favour of France; yet he was unable to take a strong line, and wavered between the emperor and Francis I., concluding a treaty of alliance with the French king, and then, when the crushing defeat of Pavia had shown him his mistake, making his peace with Charles (April 1, 1525), only to break it again by countenancing Girolamo Morone's League of Freedom, of which the, Frederick had excited the envy of surrounding sovereigns, and had embittered them against him by stinging sarcasms.
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