That includes people who are being held, pre-trial, because they cannot afford cash bail. His areas of expertise include civil rights, education law, environmental protection, state and local government, and criminal-justice reform. But the same standards will be applied to everyone. Eli is committed to using the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney to help eligible returning citizens expunge old criminal records, and to obtain gainful employment. Instead of requiring them to sit behind bars, the justice system can connect them with resources—and require them to get the medical, psychological, or trauma-informed treatment they need. Friends, Our justice system is broken, and we’re all suffering because of it. And in the long run, problem-solving courts save all of us money, and make all of us safer. Savit's platform included elimination of cash bail, more support for addiction and mental-health treatment programs, and eliminating racial and socioeconomic inequity in the justice system. Eli is committed to eliminating all vestiges of a system in which wealthy, connected defendants are able to escape consequences for their actions. It makes us safer, and has been shown to reduce future crime. Michigan spends one-fifth of its general-fund budget locking people in prisons. Although most of us think of the criminal justice system playing out at trial, the reality is that 97% of criminal charges in Washtenaw County are “settled” through a plea bargain. He worked tirelessly to secure environmental benefits for residents of the most polluted areas in Detroit, and has fought on behalf of multiple states to hold corporate polluters to account. It means you can rest easy, knowing that your elected prosecutor is going after wrongdoers who pose a real threat to your well-being. As a lawyer, Eli has been unafraid to take on powerful corporate interests. Cook owns a sports website, MGoBlog. During a pandemic, shuffling people in and out of jails and prisons is a recipe for a public-health disaster. And ultimately, it makes us all of us less safe. The endorsement comes after RJI’s release of its podcast with Savit and after reviewing his responses to RJI’s candidate questionnaire. That’s why Eli will require all prosecutors to consider the immigration consequences of any charge—and to file charges which don’t carry immigration consequences if they are appropriate. Towards that end, we must delay all non-essential criminal trials and sentences for people who are not being held pending trial. The primary goal of the criminal-justice system should be rehabilitation—and ensuring that those who committed crimes don't commit them again. “Eli Savit is running on a restorative justice platform to fix the broken criminal justice system as the next Washtenaw County Prosecutor,” Legend wrote. An attorney, a law professor, and a former public-school teacher, Eli is an experienced lawyer who has led major public-interest cases against those who harm our community. "It's my first time running, and I needed to get out there in the community," he explains. Detailed data reports will be available to researchers, the media, and the general public. In Washtenaw County, nearly 7 out of 10 people who go through the criminal-justice system will commit crimes again. Those are your tax dollars, and it’s money that could go to fix roads, fund education, or shore up our health system. But we must do everything possible to avoid "churning" the jail and prison populations with people who pose no imminent threat to the broader community. Wrongfully convicting someone of a crime is one of the most grievous errors that can be made in the justice system. In fact, one-fifth of our state’s general-fund  budget is currently spent on corrections. The Washtenaw County Democratic Party held its final endorsement meeting via Zoom on Monday, September 21st to endorse additional candidates for the November 2020 General Election. Justice-involved people are people. Since 2016, Professor Savit has served as senior adviser and counsel to Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, '83. Those who commit lower-level crimes and stay out of trouble—and are thus statutorily eligible for expungement under Michigan law—should have every an opportunity to gain a clean slate. Here is the final 2020 WCDP endorsement list: Under Eli’s watch, justice won’t depend on the size of one’s bank account. Eli is committed to giving survivors, of all forms of crime, the option to participate in restorative justice-based programs. Eli Savit is an American lawyer, law professor, and politician. For too long, we've been incarcerating people who are dealing with addiction or mental-health issues. That, in turn, makes all of us less safe. It is a system by which people are caged without being convicted of a crime simply for being poor. The chief driver of these costs is lengthy prison sentences obtained by county prosecutors. And it makes all of us less safe. Problem-solving courts give people who are struggling an alternative to prison—and a chance to turn their lives around. Langford Professor of Philosophy, University of Michigan, Executive Committee, Michigan Mixed Methods Program, Director of Academic Engagement Programs, Eastern Michigan University, LGBTQ Activist and Leader; Founder, Jim Toy Community Center, President, New West Willow Neighborhood Association, Co-Owner, Detroit Filling Station/Lunchroom, Chief of Staff, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Clinical Professor, Child Advocacy Clinic, University of Michigan Law School, Chapter Leader - Black Lives Matter Ann Arbor; Community and Youth Coordinator, Avalon Housing, Executive Director, Michigan League of Conservation Voters, Professor, Jewish and Muslim Studies, Michigan State University, Lecturer, University of Michigan Law School; Former First Assistant Washtenaw County Prosecutor, Research Scholar, University of Michigan; Domestic Violence Survivor & Advocate, President and CTO, Paradigm Research and Engineering, Professor, University of Michigan Law School; former Legal Director, ACLU of Michigan, Program Director, American Friends Service Committee – Michigan Criminal Justice Program, Former Commander, Wayne County Sheriff’s Department, Former Executive Director, Equality Michigan, Executive Director, Community Education Commission. Eli is a statewide leader in the movement to help reintegrate returning citizens into society. Eli Savit, '10, practices, writes, and teaches in the areas of state and local government, civil rights, impact litigation, and environmental law. He is currently serving as the Prosecuting Attorney in Washtenaw County, Michigan.His areas of expertise include civil rights, education law, environmental protection, state and local government, and criminal-justice reform. When people who are justice-involved get sick, the virus inevitably spreads to the broader community. Eli Savit is an American lawyer, law professor, and politician. And in most cases, there is little justification for imprisoning someone "just a few weeks longer," when those few weeks could be the difference between life and death. Restorative Justice International announces today its endorsement of Eli Savit, candidate for District Attorney, Washtenaw county, Michigan. When such people don't pose a danger to the community, it's better to "divert" or "deflect" them away from the corrections system. Requiring in-person "check-ins" is inconsistent with social-distancing practices, and threatens to spread the virus further in our community. It’s a hidden tax on county residents. Our criminal-justice system is particularly fraught for members of our immigrant community. Eli will create Washtenaw County's first-ever Conviction Integrity Unit, which will review claims of actual innocence and, if validated, will seek to undo the convictions. All individual endorsements are made in the endorser's personal capacity. That’s unjust. Singer, Songwriter, Criminal-Justice Reform Advocate & Activist, Progressive Activist, former candidate for Governor of Michigan, Former State Senator & Representative; Chair, Michigan Civil Rights Commission, CEO, Bollyfit; former candidate for Michigan State Senate, President, Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education, Community Activist, Publisher of Eclectablog, Host of GOTMV Show, Former Pittsfield Township Treasurer and Clerk, Former Chair of the Washtenaw County Commission, Youth Vice-Chair, Michigan Democratic Party, Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner, Former Ann Arbor Township Trustee, Former Board member, Safe House & Dawn Farm, Women's Rights Activist; Founding Member: Michigan Election Reform Alliance; Former Deputy Pittsfield Township Clerk, Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education Trustee, State Representative — Vice-Chair, Subcommittee on Military, Veterans Affairs, and State Police, Former Vice-President, Ypsilanti School Board, State Senator — Associate President Pro Tempore, Michigan Senate; Chair, Michigan Legislative Black Caucus, Foster Youth Advocate, former candidate for Michigan State Senate, Democratic National Committee Member, former Washtenaw County Commissioner, Detroit Public Schools Community District Board of Education, Founder and former Chair, Michigan Democratic Party LGBT Caucus, University of Michigan Law Professor, 2018 Democratic nominee for Michigan Supreme Court, State Senator — Vice-Chair for the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee, Huron Valley Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, American Federation of Musicians, Local 625, American Federation of State, Council and Municipal Employees, Council 25, American Federation of Teachers, Michigan, Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 2 of Michigan, Communications Workers of America, Local 4123, Graduate Employee’s Organization Local 3550, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 395, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 252, Michigan Democratic Party Anishinaabek (Indigenous) Caucus, Michigan Democratic Party Environmental Caucus, Michigan Democratic Party Hispanic Latino Caucus, Michigan Democratic Party Progressive Caucus, National Association of Social Workers - Michigan Chapter, Prison Birth Project at the University of Michigan, Students for Bernie at the University of Michigan, Young Democratic Socialists of America at the University of Michigan, Children and Youth Advocate, Safehouse Center, Senior Partnership Manager, League of Conservation Voters, Civil rights attorney; Professor, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Former Executive Director, Michigan Advocacy Program (retired), Professor, Judaic Studies, University of Michigan, Professor, University of Detroit-Mercy School of Law, Executive Director, Detroit Department of Civil Rights, Inclusion, and Opportunity, Founder, Protectors of Equality in Government, Senior Pastor, Ann Arbor Vinyard Ministries, Executive Director, Riverside Arts Center, Professor, University of Michigan Ross School of Business, Professor & Former Dean, University of Michigan Law School, Professor Emeritus, University of Detroit-Mercy School of Law, Ann Arbor Group Leader, Citizens' Climate Lobby, Former Vice-Chair, Washtenaw Democratic Party, Professor, Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan, Co-Founder, Michigan Prison Doula Initiative, C.H. PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OF ELI SAVIT. People with stable jobs are far less likely to turn back to crime, which makes all of us safer. Savit also boasts the endorsements of three previous chairs of the Michigan Democratic Party, as well as a large list of local elected officials. At the same time, when the wrong person is convicted of a crime, it means that the real perpetrator escapes accountability. We all need to treat each other humanely during these trying times, and that goes for justice-involved people and their loved ones. Plea bargaining can be a good thing—it allows people to get on with their lives, and allowing the community to avoid the expense of trial. Those requirements should be suspended during the COVID-19 outbreak. Simply put, such people's lives are at risk. To stave off a potential public-health calamity, jailed people who pose no threat to others should be released. That’s why it’s crucial that we remake our prosecutor’s office so that it’s focused on ensuring justice for all—for victims, for taxpayers, and for those who are charged with criminal conduct. Together, we can lead. Eli Savit, who is running with national backing that includes endorsements from U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and singer John Legend, is leading the way with over $270,000 in cash donations, … When people are arrested for a crime—but before they are tried—they’re often asked to buy their freedom by posting a cash bond. It means treating kids like kids, and ensuring that we give young people in the criminal-justice system the resources they need. They provide resources to veterans, and to people suffering from mental-health challenges and addiction. Restorative justice is a win-win-win. Doing so will ultimately save lives—including the lives of those who are not in prison. They have friends, loved ones, and familes who care about them—and are worried about their safety during the coronavirus crisis. As a nation, a state, and a county, we expend far too many resources punishing people who need help. In May 2019, Savit announced his candidacy for Washtenaw County prosecutor as a Democrat, vowing to "end the era of mass incarceration". It means prioritizing prosecution of violent crimes, and corporate wrongdoers. He worked with a bipartisan group of legislators to craft landmark legislation that will expand Michigan's expungement laws—and give hundreds of thousands of Michiganders a fresh start. In many instances, our criminal-justice system simply doesn't work—either for crime survivors, or for those who are convicted of crimes. We’d be honored to have you on the team. Eli is a longstanding environmental activist, and a respected national commentator on environmental justice issues. That’s not just the right thing to do—it’s the smart strategy. Eli will make addressing the root-cause of crime the rule, not the exception, and will seek to incarcerate only those who pose a threat to the community. Cash bail is entirely immoral. Too frequently, polluters are able to dirty our air and water, impose severe health consequences on the community—and avoid real responsibility for their actions. People of color are often charged differently for similar conduct; obtain harsher sentences for the same crimes; and are subject to more severe restrictions once a sentence has been served. A wrongful conviction can mean that an innocent person spends years behind bars—away from their family and loved ones—for a crime they didn't commit. The more resources we spend on non-violent and victimless crimes, the fewer we have to spend on serious crimes like gun violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Immigrants who are convicted of crimes—even minor offenses—are frequently subject to deportation. Eli is committed to ensuring that corporations are held to account when they break the law. That often has the effect of separating mothers and fathers from their children. ANN AROBOR, MI — A design created by a University of Michigan freshman has been selected as the next logo for the Washtenaw Prosecutor’s Office, prosecutor-elect Eli Savit … Following his time at the Supreme Court, Eli returned home to Michigan, settling in Ann Arbor and accepting an appointment as the City of … We cannot continue business as usual in the criminal-justice system while a deadly pandemic is raging. Because the coronavirus spreads quickly when people are closely packed together, our jail population must be thinned to the greatest extent possible. Four other DA candidates endorsed by Sanders were Eli Savit of Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor), Michigan; Alonzo Payne and Amy Padden in Colorado; and José Garza in Austin, Texas. As Prosecuting Attorney, Eli will be steadfast in fulfilling his obligation to keep the community safe, and will allocate prosecutorial resources accordingly. But in Washtenaw County, we’ve failed to establish problem-solving courts in any of our circuit courts. But those exceptions will be few and far between. As any parent (or teacher) can tell you, kids aren’t just small adults. That means we’re holding people in jail not for what they did, but because of their ability to pay. At the same time, people who have been justice-involved are frequently required to pay fines and fees relating to their cases. Eli will always protect innocent victims, even when the perpetrator is wealthy or well-connected. Failure to pay can land somebody right back in jail, and could permanently mar their record. People who have been the victims of crimes are thrust—through no choice of their own—into a traumatic, confusing criminal-justice system. Seeing Eli’s endorsements and what he’s all about, it’s like, this is a place where I want to be, and to find that in this way is super exciting," Farooque said. Justice, of course, must still move forward for people who are being held pending trial. The need to respect victims is particularly important for those that have survived violence or sexual assault. And it includes people whose release dates are near. But there's a better way. Eli will seek out opportunities to partner with independent researchers to root out racial disparities in prosecution. Far too frequently, the prosecutor's office is a black box. While we didn't see endorsements for Marquis from organizations that concern us, they also don't have the support of any of our partner organizations and therefore we cannot recommend them. Where appropriate, Eli will support the release of eligible people who do not pose a threat to the community. People in jail and prison should have access to cleaning materials, hand sanitizer, and soap. But it doesn't stop there. This isn't just a matter of mercy. Too frequently, corporations short workers the money or benefits they are owed. What’s more, it fills our jails with people who don’t need to be there. Shouldn't the people know what their elected prosecutor is doing? When communities don’t trust the criminal justice system, they are less likely to report crimes or to serve as witnesses. Eli will ensure that plea bargaining in the Prosecutor’s Office is conducted fairly. Eli will prioritize rehabilitation for young people, and make every effort to ensure that families stay together. A former law clerk to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Eli currently serves as the City of Detroit’s senior legal counsel, where he leads criminal-justice reform work for Michigan’s largest city. In Milwaukee, for example, the elected prosecutor partnered with an outside researcher, who found that black defendants were being prosecuted at a far higher rate than white defendants for drug-paraphernalia crimes. Despite being responsible for millions of dollars in taxpayer resources, citizens rarely know what their elected prosecutor is doing—or whether the office is getting results. Just as it is unjust to put people in prison for a crime they didn't commit, it is unjust to continue holding people in prison for longer than is necessary to secure public safety. What does that mean for you? What’s more, a rigid, punitive criminal-justice system makes all of us less safe. HVALF’s county-wide endorsements importantly include Eli Savit for Washtenaw County prosecutor. That’s not just unfair, it’s unwise. Those who pose a demonstrable threat to others may still be held—if there is no other way to ensure community safety. As prosecutor, Eli will build a web-based platform which tracks metrics like recidivism, the length of sentences obtained, expenditures of taxpayer resources, and the number of people receiving diversion opportunities. I hope you’ll join me. In addition, Eli will decline any federal requests to use county resources to assist with immigration enforcement. After all: when prosecutors stand up in court, they represent "the people." 2075 W Stadium Blvd # 2000, Ann Arbor, MI, 48106. Data demonstrates that it is extraordinarily unlikely an elderly or sick person will commit a violent offense. Throughout his campaign, Savit has highlighted the importance of breaking down the racial and socioeconomic inequity issues in Washtenaw County. Savit is based in Ann Arbor. Ventilators are in short supply, and our medical capacity is stretched to its breaking point. It means that, if you or your loved ones are ever involved in the criminal justice system, you’ll know that you’ll get a fair shake. Here’s what that means. When a prosecutor’s office spends less time focusing on non-violent, victimless offenses, it frees up resources to investigate and prosecute the cases that really matter. And it means working to make sure that we emphasize rehabilitation. To endorse Eli, simply fill out this form and click “Endorse Eli.” Eli Savit, thirty-seven, announced his candidacy more than a year ago, in May 2019. That led the prosecutor to change practice. But too frequently, prosecutors take a “hard line” in plea bargaining negotiations, and threaten to file overly harsh charges if defendants don’t agree to their terms. He will not be afraid to prosecute well-heeled, well-connected people who commit domestic violence, sex crimes, or child abuse. And we all pay for that. 2075 W Stadium Blvd # 2000, Ann Arbor, MI, 48106. Grammy award-winning singer-songwriter John Legend endorsed Eli Savit for Washtenaw County prosecutor via Twitter on July 8. At every step in our criminal justice system, there is the potential for racial inequity. Eli will support a trauma-informed, evidence-based approach to cases, and, in all cases, will maintain an open line of communication to victims and their family members. And it starts with our prosecutor’s office. Our "jail-first" mentality is counterproductive. It is survivor-focused, and gives victims of crime agency that our traditional justice system does not. And unnecessary exposure to a deadly contagion should not be part of anyone's sentence. Eli Savit is listed in the Progressive Voters Guide below. That’s unjust, and it places severe strain on families. They should be informed about social-distancing practices. At the same time, survivors are forced to endure an adversarial system that can be retraumatizing, gives them no agency, and doesn't make them whole. About On the Issues Get Involved Endorsements. Savit, a 2010 UM Law School graduate and former public school teacher, ran for office last year on a reformist platform with national backing that included endorsements … Eli believes that wage theft is theft. It includes people who are being held for non-violent offenses. As a nation, a state, and a county, we expend far too many resources punishing people who need help. And when we do, we’ll set the standard—here in Michigan, and nationally—for a prosecutor’s office that prioritizes the wellbeing of all members of our community.
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