These cuts fly in the face of the Administration’s rhetoric about expanding opportunity for those facing difficulties in today’s economy and helping more people work. The cuts would affect a broad range of low- and moderate-income people, including parents, children, seniors, and people with disabilities. The proposed Trump HUD budgetfor 2018 included a $7 billion cut, while the proposed budget for 2019 went even further and called for an $8.8 billion dollar cut to the federal housing aid. Cuts SNAP benefits for a broad swath of SNAP households. Trump’s Fiscal 2020 Budget Seeks $8.7 Billion Cut to HUD Filed in Advocacy by NAHB Now on March 11, 2019 • 5 Comments President Trump’s proposed fiscal 2020 budget, which runs from Oct. 1, 2019 through Sept. 30 2020, would cut the HUD budget by $8.7 billion to $44.1 billion. And it would likely force households to incur greater transportation costs (and time) to get food for their families because they may have to pick up the commodities at centralized locations while still traveling to grocery stories for the remainder of their food purchases. Factsheet: Expired or Expiring HUD Project-Based Rental Assistance Contracts (Dec. 2018 - Feb. 2019) (By State) For more information on Budget and Appropriations, contact Sonya Acosta, Policy Analyst, at [email protected] or 202.548.7969. Overall, the budget proposes an $8.8 billion (18.3%) reduction in the HUD budget from the 2017 enacted level, a more drastic cut than the $6 billon HUD budget reduction the Administration proposed for fiscal year 2018. Taken together, these two proposals cut flexible human services funding by $37.8 billion over the coming decade. … Most significantly, it embraces the ACA repeal bill sponsored by Senators Bill Cassidy, Lindsey Graham, Dean Heller, and Ron Johnson (the “Cassidy-Graham” proposal), then cuts funding for health coverage programs well below the already shrunken levels in that bill. But the comparison HUD offers is misleading, Rice said, and the request would actually come in $354 million below the most recent full-year funding level. The Trump proposal would cut that payment in half. The Budget requests $425 million3 to mitigate these issues, which is $90 million more than the enacted level for 2020. The budget doubles down in both areas. Though the new budget portrays its requested funding for Housing Choice Vouchers for low-income tenants as a substantial increase from last year’s ask, Rice said the figures are misleading and the new budget rehashes a proposal previously forecast to trigger hundreds of thousands of evictions around the country. In addition, the cuts could impact up to 50,310 households per year. The proposed budget seeks $44.1 billion in discretionary spending for HUD, which is a 16.4 percent decrease from what was enacted in 2019, according to … [1]. In 2019 the budget cuts Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs by $6.8 billion (or 14.2 percent) below the 2017 level, not counting losses due to inflation. In the actual budget implemented through the 2019 continuing resolution, HUD’s spending authority came it at $52.7 billion and all of the targeted programs were maintained. “These are some of the most vulnerable people in our country and they rely on housing [programs] to pay rent and make ends meet, to put groceries on the table, to pay for transportation, all the other things you need in life.”, “And at the same time of course you’re talking about the tax bill from 2017 that gave huge tax cuts to billionaires and corporations,” she said. But despite the fuzziness, the broad contours of the budget released Monday are consistent with longstanding Trump administration themes concerning the agency and its mission. The 2019 Trump budget proposes the largest retrenchment of federal housing aid since the U.S. Housing Act was enacted in 1937. … The budget also raises the minimum monthly rent to $150, which means rents would triple or more for the poorest families; this change would largely hit households that live below half of the poverty line, and it would likely result in more evictions and homelessness. And, in inflation-adjusted terms, HUD’s programs received less funding overall in 2019 than they did in 2010, largely due to rigid annual caps on total non-defense discretionary funding that policymakers enacted as part of the 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA). Greenstein: Trump Budget Offers Stark Vision, Revised Version of Cassidy-Graham Proposal Is More of the Same, President’s Budget Would Cut and Radically Restructure SNAP Food Benefits,,,, Parrott: Senate’s American Rescue Plan Would Dramatically Reduce Hardship, Begin to Set Stage for Stronger Recovery, Parrott: President-Elect Biden’s Relief Plan Meets Urgency of Health and Economic Crisis, Parrott: Our Democracy’s Peaceful Levers of Change, Not Lies and Violence, Should Be Celebrated and Strengthened, ACA Repeal Lawsuit Threatens Medicaid Expansion Coverage for Millions, Commentary: ACA Repeal Even More Dangerous During Pandemic and Economic Crisis, Health Care Lifeline: The Affordable Care Act and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Food Assistance in American Rescue Plan Act Will Reduce Hardship, Provide Economic Stimulus, Food Assistance in COVID Relief Bill Would Reduce Hardship, Provide Economic Stimulus, Food Assistance in President Biden’s COVID Relief Plan Would Reduce Hardship, Provide Economic Stimulus, Housing Assistance in American Rescue Plan Act Will Prevent Millions of Evictions, Help People Experiencing Homelessness, Housing Assistance in House COVID Bill Would Prevent Millions of Evictions, Help People Experiencing Homelessness, New Data on Hardship Underscore Continued Need for Substantial COVID Relief, Benefits of Expanding Child Tax Credit Outweigh Small Employment Effects, Cash Assistance Should Reach Millions More Families to Lessen Hardship, SSA Needs More Funding to Support Essential Services, What the 2020 Trustees’ Report Shows About Social Security, Commentary: Policymakers Should Expand Emergency Paid Leave in Next Coronavirus Package. HUD later updated this goal in the agency’s most recent budget request to 125,000 units—more than 10 percent of the remaining public housing stock—to be repositioned by the end of FY 2020. It cuts Medicaid and subsidies for private coverage in the marketplace by $763 billion over the next decade, with cuts reaching $172 billion annually by 2028. Moreover, the budget’s cuts in TANF and SSBG would undermine the goal of directing more resources to core activities within TANF.[4]. The budget requests $41.24 billion for 2019, an increase of 1% from the $40.7 billion in 2017. Overall, the Administration proposes to cut the U.S. Dept. On March 11, 2019, the Trump Administration released its Fiscal Year 2020 Budget … And in years after 2019, the budget calls for cuts of unprecedented depth in NDD programs even though this part of the budget contains most of the federal investments that can help boost long-term economic growth. The budget requests $41.24 billion for 2019, an increase of 1% from the $40.7 billion in 2017. “These are the programs directly helping the people we think of as Trump supporters,” Mickelson said. The budget asks for $62.3 million to support its fair housing initiative, unchanged from its request for 2019. NAHT Fact Sheet on Rent Increases, Work Requirements and Potential HUD Budget Cuts NAHT Action Alert Guide General Resources: Full Text of “Making Affordable Housing Work Act 2018” “HUD Secretary Ben Carson to propose raising rent for low-income Americans receiving federal housing subsidies”, Washington Post, 4/25/2018 Rent Increase Resources: Taken together, the budget’s “repeal and replace” proposals and additional Medicaid cuts would cause millions of people to lose coverage and make coverage less adequate or less affordable for millions more. Less than two months after signing massive tax cuts that largely benefit those at the top of the economic ladder, President Trump has put forward a 2019 budget that cuts basic assistance that millions of families struggling to get by need to help pay the rent, put food on the table, and get health care. The slight increases in funding are a sigh of relief for affordable housing advocates as HUD’s budget had been slated for drastic cuts by the Trump administration in previous budget requests since Trump took office in 2017. The new budget proposal also contains a substantial escalation to the administration’s wide-ranging quest to punish poor families who aren’t able to find sustainable jobs, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities’ Doug Rice said. carbon monoxide, and radon. Among the programs that received modest budget cuts are housing for persons with disabilities and Section 521 rental assistance, which aids rural areas of the country. But even that addition would leave HUD's funding well below current spending levels. The $8.8 billion proposed cut in President Trump's budget to HUD is even deeper than the roughly $7 billion the White House wanted to withhold from the department last year. Fiscal 2019 HUD Budget Approved A spending package funds HUD at $44.2 billion, an increase from 2018. “[T]he very poorest of the poor, you’d be tripling rent on them,” Mickelson said. President Trump released his proposed FY 2020 ‘skinny’ budget, “A Budget for a Better America: Promises Kept. The White House is proposing an $8.8 billion cut to HUD Programs, representing a massive 18.3% cut. Meanwhile, the Administration has used its administrative authority to implement — and to encourage states to implement — policies that make it harder for many eligible people to get and retain health coverage. The difference reflects how unpopular Trump and HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s proposals were with lawmakers. The budget proposal for 2020, however, has been the most drastic of all, with a whopping $9.6 billion cut to HUD funding. An even stricter 2019 budget isn’t any more likely to pass than the 2018 budget. The budget cuts tens of billions of dollars in SSDI benefits, which are funded out of workers’ payroll taxes and which protect workers and their families if a disability cuts their careers short. The budget cuts student loans by more than $200 billion over the next decade and fails to invest these funds into expanding college affordability meaningfully. Even when fellow Republicans had more influence in the budget process, Mickelson said, the executive duo couldn’t sell ideas that appear again in this year’s budget, such as the cancellation of the Community Development Block Grant program, cuts to rental assistance, and a major retreat from public housing maintenance and other federal responsibilities. But Trump’s new housing budget goes after rural residents as well, zeroing out funding for a trio of programs that subsidize mortgages for low-income homeowners, attract new home- and apartment-building activity to their regions, and fund housing repairs in far-flung locales. Trump's proposed budget cuts to HUD will make the housing crisis much more worse if enacted. Administration Proposes HUD Budget Cuts…But Congress Will Have Final Say By Scott M. Badami on March 14, 2019 Posted in General Fair Housing News & Developments More specifically, the budget: Raises rents on low-income families with HUD rental assistance. These are benefits provided to new SSDI recipients to reflect the loss of earnings when they became disabled, even if they delayed applying for benefits because they were hoping to get better and go back to work. Trump's proposed budget for the 2019 fiscal year includes a 14 percent cut to HUD, amounting to $6.8 billion below the agency’s current $48 billion spending, an even deeper cut … Non-defense discretionary (annually appropriated) programs include a broad set of public services, including those that help low- and moderate-income households, such as housing and energy assistance, and those that promote opportunity, such as college aid and job training. Shifts more than $260 billion in food purchasing from individual households to the government. States would only be able to waive this requirement in areas with unemployment above 10 percent, an extremely high bar that will miss many locations where few jobs are available to lower-skilled workers. (Current law allows states to seek waivers from the three-month limit for areas where jobs are scarce.) Donald Trump has repeatedly proposed federal budgets that would reduce the amount of funding to HUD. In addition, the budget includes a proposal to require states to focus a larger share of their TANF funding on work programs, education and training, and child care. View our FY 20 Analysis . Such subsidies make up about 80 percent of HUD's total budget. The proposal also imposes a per capita cap on federal Medicaid funding for seniors, people with disabilities, and families with children. Impact of the White House FY 19 Budget Summary on California On February 12, 2018, the Trump Administration released its Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Summary. For example, it allows states to consider assets such as bank accounts in determining Medicaid eligibility for children, parents, pregnant women, and other adults. In total, the bduget would cut EPA funding by 31 percent, according to another article by Miranda Green. The 2019 Trump budget reduces disability programs by $72 billion, including reductions to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) as well as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which provides aid to low-income individuals with disabilities (as well as low-income seniors). These cuts, together with the Trump budget’s proposed elimination of several flexible grant programs that support the development of affordable housing, would cause many households to lose access to affordable housing and raise rent and utility costs for families that still have it. President Donald Trump's recently released Fiscal Year 2019 Budget proposal included major cuts to the Department of Housing. FY21 Budget Chart for Selected HUD and USDA Programs December 21 , 2020 . Anticipating billions in cuts to HUD's budget, public-housing authorities that allocate Section 8 housing vouchers are already starting to hold back. Working families would bear the bulk of such rent increases and be especially hard hit, because they also could no longer subtract child care expenses from their incomes in determining their rent payments (i.e., rents would be raised from 30 percent of income after deductions for costs like child care to 35 percent of gross income). Impact of the White House FY 19 Budget Summary on Louisiana On February 12, 2018, the Trump Administration released its Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Summary. Total Budget Authority (Net) 48,843 51,544 39,715 BUDGET OUTLAYS Discretionary $39,024 $38,248 $41,497 Mandatory (12,636) 18,568 (623) Total Budget Outlays 26,388 56,816 40,874 FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS FTE Staff 8,029 7,930 7,713 (includes S&E, OIG, WCF) NOTE: Detail may not add to …
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