(3) The Center may request a preliminary appeal to the Director in a form and manner determined by the Administrator. WIOA expanded the previous definition of core IL services, specified in Section 7(17) of the Act, to include an additional, fifth category of core services. Part C refers to part C of chapter 1 of title VII, of the Act (29 U.S.C. Independent Living is the daily demonstration of human rights-based disability policies. ACL agrees that this language, adapted from the previous regulations in 34 CFR 364.20(g), does not reflect the requirement of the statute that the State plan be developed “after receiving public input from individuals with disabilities and other stakeholders throughout the State,” and we have modified the regulatory text of § 1329.17(f)(1) (formerly proposed § 1329.17(g)(2)) accordingly. (d) 45 CFR part 80—Nondiscrimination under Programs Receiving Federal Assistance through the Department of Health and Human Services—Effectuation of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Written correspondence can be sent to the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 330 C St. SW., Washington, DC 20201. (1) The requirement for public input in this section may be met by holding public meetings before a preliminary draft State plan is prepared and by providing a preliminary draft State plan for comment prior to submission. Many commenters requested that the proposed regulatory language of § 1329.13(c) be deleted or amended to permit only a single DSE. Even with the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, people with disabilities often find that advocacy and support from the disability community and the disability rights movement is an essential element in enforcement of the civil rights law. documents in the last year, by the Education Department (ii) All notices, including notices published on a Web site, and other written materials provided at or prior to public meetings must be available upon request in accessible formats. 796e to 796e-3). The SILC Standards and Indicators of minimum compliance are currently under development. We note that WIOA did not change the term “designated State unit” in Section 723 to designated State entity, as in other sections throughout this Subpart of the Rehabilitation Act. Guidance: ILA PI-15-01 Selection of the Designated State Entity (DSE), rev. ACL received comments recommending additional changes to this definition, including a request for additional clarity on the “services and supports” provided by the DSE. See Sections 704(c)(3) and (4), 704(m)(4)(D), 706(d), and 725(c) of the Act. Commenters were correct in stating that the Administrator reserves the funds under Section 711A for SILC training and technical assistance, before the State receives funding under this part. Executive Order 12866 requires that regulations be drafted to ensure that they are consistent with the priorities and principles set forth in Executive Order 12866. Independent living core services mean, for purposes of services that are supported under the ILS or CIL programs—. In order to preserve flexibility, we made no changes to the definition in the proposed rule. WIOA added a new fifth requirement to the Independent Living Core Services, which includes services that—. ensure that at least one of member of a team conducting such a review shall be an individual who (i) is not a government employee; and (2) has experience in the operation of centers for independent living.” The proposed regulatory text in § 1329.7 does not address or propose changes to the onsite compliance review process, including the qualifications of employees and others conducting reviews. As noted above, increasing funding for CILs is beyond the scope of this regulation. Administrator means the Administrator of the Administration for Community Living (ACL) of the Department of Health and Human Services. (c) The State plan must cover a period of not more than three years and must be amended whenever necessary to reflect any material change in State law, organization, policy, or agency operations that affects the administration of the State plan. Based on this analysis, we believe that many CILs currently have staff capable of providing the new fifth core services. However, the comments did not provide sufficient detail or explain how the estimates were calculated. We proposed to use the upper end of the time estimate (15 hours) for purposes of estimating the total impact of this statutory requirement. (1) If the Director of the Independent Living Administration (Director) determines that, as the result of the Onsite Compliance Review process defined in section 706(c)(2), or other review activities, any Center receiving funds under this part, other than a Center that is provided Part C funding by the State under section 723 of the Act, is not in compliance with the standards and assurances in section 725 (b) and (c) of the Act and of this part, the Director must provide notice to the Center pursuant to guidance determined by the Administrator. These services include information & referral, advocacy, peer counseling or support, and independent living skills training. We are not including a definition of disadvantaged individuals, as that definition may vary by individuals and by community. Cross-disability means, with respect to services provided by a Center, that a Center provides services to individuals with all different types of significant disabilities, including individuals with significant disabilities who are members of unserved or underserved populations by programs under Title VII. (b) If an eligible agency administers more than one Part C grant, each of the Center grants must meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section to receive a continuation award. We received several comments confirming that some CILs do not yet provide the new fifth core services, and doing so may impose a burden upon such CILs, particularly a diminution of services provided in other areas. If you are using public inspection listings for legal research, you provision of such core services as information and referral, peer counseling, independent living skills training, individual advocacy, and community advocacy. ACL's business acumen efforts are one way that CILs may enhance their resource development activities. 3515e(f). . 03/12/2021, 147 711A(b) that the Administrator conduct surveys of SILCs regarding training and technical Start Printed Page 74688assistance needs in order to determine funding priorities for such training and technical assistance. legal research should verify their results against an official edition of The Public Inspection page Regarding § 1329.16(b)(3), commenters stated that the proposed regulation “fails to provide a reference to the statute or regulation that prohibits lobbying . ACL is not proposing any changes to the compliance review process in this regulation. In the NPRM, we also requested comment on the need for and proposed content of definitions for “home and community-based residences” and individuals who are “at risk” of institutionalization in the new independent living core services. Not only would this approach severely limit the funds available for fulfillment of DSE responsibilities under the law, it would also create some potential accounting burdens for programs, as State funds provided as a result of the ILS program's State matching requirement have traditionally been treated similarly to Federal Part B funds. As a promising practice, ACL recommends continuing successful collaboration, coordination, and leveraging of resources. 03/12/2021, 210 (6) Written notice of the determination by the Administrator shall constitute a final determination for purposes of 45 CFR part 16. (4) No conditions or requirements may be included in the SILC's resource plan that may compromise the independence of the SILC. It is ACL's goal to publish the revised data collection proposals for comment in Federal Register in September 2016. They did not include a breakdown of the costs of wages, benefits and overhead; nor did they include an estimate of the hours used in the calculation. Without specifically defining the term, we identify the following examples of entities that fall within the category of “institution,” which includes but is not limited to: Hospitals, nursing facilities and skilled nursing facilities, Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, and criminal justice facilities, juvenile detention facilities, etc. We will take under advisement the need to address service area adjustments in the future. documents in the last year, 101 Individuals who have reached the age of 18 and are still receiving services in accordance with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) under IDEA have not “completed their secondary education.”. (2) Allocating the necessary and sufficient resources needed by the SILC to fulfill its statutory duties and authorities under section 705(c), consistent with the approved State Plan. State Plans for Independent Living (SPIL), G. Assessment of Federal Regulations and Policies on Families, PART 1329—STATE INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES AND CENTERS FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, Subpart C—Centers for Independent Living Program, https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2016-25918, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata, http://www.acl.gov/​Programs/​AoD/​ILA/​Index.aspx#dse, http://www.reginfo.gov/​public/​do/​PRAViewICR?​ref_​nbr=​201404-1820-001, Facilitate Transitions from Nursing Homes and Other Institutions to the Community, Relocation from a Nursing Home or Institution, Provide Assistance to Those at Risk of Entering Institutions, Facilitate Transition of Youth to Postsecondary Life. Definition: The right of people with disabilities to control and direct their own lives and to participate actively in society. (b) The Centers for Independent Living (CIL), title VII, chapter 1, part C (29 U.S.C. ACL has determined to refer to the body as the designated State entity in the rule for consistency purposes. 796c(c)(4). ACL shared a draft for informal stakeholder review in January 2016 and continues to take stakeholder feedback. (a) Any designated State entity (DSE) identified by the State and included in the signed SPIL pursuant to section 704(c) is eligible to apply for assistance under this part in accordance with section 704 of the Act, 29 U.S.C. We invite you to try out our new beta eCFR site at https://ecfr.federalregister.gov. Section 1329.17(b)(4) indicates that the SPIL “must be submitted . A commenter raised concerns that broad definitions around the youth transition component of the fifth core service could prompt school districts to shift responsibility for youth transition to the CILs. We therefore are increasing our initial estimate of 15 hours of time for each CIL director to 30 hours of time to account for the additional burden. While the final rule establishes a new appeals process for States, we anticipate that the process will be utilized infrequently based on past experience of the Independent Living Services programs. 796e-0). The law is also intended to ensure that stakeholders can fully analyze the impact of the rule, which includes the associated reporting burden. In order to fairly evaluate whether an information collection should be approved by OMB, Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA requires that we solicit comments on new or revised information collections, which in the case of this rule, includes the new SPIL development requirements. The regulation describes that written notice shall be provided “within a timely manner.” In the absence of a recommendation for a specific length of time, we retain the language of the proposed rule, with the clarification that the standard is a reasonable determination of a “timely manner.” We will consider whether to designate a specific time period in any sub-regulatory guidance that we develop. regulatory information on FederalRegister.gov with the objective of This rule is not a major rule as defined in 5 U.S.C. The rule helps implement changes to the administration of Independent Living Services and the Centers for Independent Living made under the current law in alignment with ACL and HHS policies and practices. 12102(3)). . 605(b), the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. Specifically, Centers funded by the program must now provide services that facilitate transition from nursing homes and other institutions to the community, provide assistance to those at risk of entering institutions, and facilitate transition of youth to postsecondary life. Independent living communities offer a fairly active and independent lifestyle while also providing social opportunities to connect with other people who are in their same age group and who share common interests. in the time frame and manner prescribed by the Administrator.” For developing the FY 2017-2019 State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL), ACL refers stakeholders to the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) instructions, issued on February 19, 2016, which specify that the Statewide Independent Living Council shall submit the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL). We make final definitions for some of the terms in the fifth core services in this rule, and have made changes based on comments received. (3) Limited to a period not to exceed eight weeks during any six-month period. To better understand what autonomous means, we refer commenters to pertinent statutory provisions at Sec. Assuming revised data collection requirements will include reporting on the new fifth core services, we estimate that providing the information will take approximately 1 hour per data report. It does not apply to other program funds, including, but not limited to, payments provided to a State from the Social Security Administration for assisting Social Security beneficiaries and recipients to achieve employment outcomes, any other federal funds, or to other funds allocated by the State for IL purposes. 796c. Core services are—information and referral; IL skills training; peer counseling; and individual and systems advocacy; and transition. As noted previously, we have interpreted recent 704 Reports as indicating that many CILs currently have staff capable of providing the new fifth core services. A commenter raised concerns about whether the prohibition against providing services directly or “managing” services would preclude SILCs from securing funding to allow CILs to accomplish specific goals. 3. With those facts in mind, we recommend that interested CILs note that ACL offers technical assistance for state and community-based aging and disability organizations through national partners as well as through learning collaboratives of networks of community-based aging and disability organizations, including Centers for Independent Living. The final regulations implement statutory changes that impose new requirements to ensure the proper expenditure of program funds. Independent living should not be defined in terms of living on one's own, being employed in a job fitting one's capabilities and interests, or having an active social life. Assuming the same hourly cost of $57.66 discussed in the regulatory impact analysis above, we estimate the cost of the changes to be $23,755.92. ACL also clarifies that the indicators of minimum compliance and data collection instruments are living documents. These services must be designed to increase the individual's control in life and ability to perform everyday activities on or off the job and include but are not limited to: Getting up and ready for work or going out into the community (including bathing and dressing), cooking, cleaning or running errands.” Commenters indicated that the purpose of personal assistance services is not merely to enable a person with a disability to get a job, but to perform a myriad of social functions. . 705(20)(B) and not employed by any State agency or center for independent living. The NPRM proposed that personal assistance services mean “a range of services, paid or unpaid, provided by one or more persons, designed to assist an individual with a disability to perform daily living activities on or off the job that the individual would typically perform if the individual did not have a disability. Only official editions of the the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on Currently there are 354 CILs that receive federal funding under this program. For purposes of this section, a State-imposed requirement includes any State law, regulation, rule, or policy relating to the DSE's administration or operation of IL programs under Title VII of the Act, including any rule or policy implementing any Federal law, regulation, or guideline that is beyond what would be required to comply with the regulations in this part. 705(18). The broadest interpretation would include all federal funds supporting the ILS program, including Social Security reimbursements and funds from the Title I (Vocational Rehabilitation) program in the cap, which would broaden the pot of monies allocated for administrative costs of the DSE, which on its face seems counter to the change in the law capping the available percentage for these purposes at a relatively low amount. Open for Comment, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, Archaeological and Ethnological Materials From Colombia, Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratory, Improving Literacy for Students With Disabilities, Establishment of the White House Gender Policy Council, Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free From Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Including Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity, Indicators of Minimum Compliance (§ 1329.5), Enforcement and Appeals Procedures (§ 1329.7), Authorized Use of Funds for Independent Living Services (§ 1329.10), DSE Eligibility and Application (§ 1329.11), Role of the Designated State Entity (§ 1329.12), Allotment of Federal Funds for State Independent Living (IL) Services (§ 1329.13), General Requirements for a State Plan (§ 1329.17), Continuation Awards to Entities Eligible for Assistance Under the CIL Program (§ 1329.21), Competitive Awards to New Centers for Independent Living (§ 1329.22), Training and Technical Assistance to Centers for Independent Living (§ 1329.24), 1. Assuming the same hourly cost of $57.66 discussed in the Regulatory Impact Analysis above, we therefore estimate the cost of the changes to be $16,433.1 (57 SPILs × $57.66/hour × 5 hours).We did not receive any comments on these calculations. Courses will be added as they are developed. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) transferred these Independent Living programs to the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and created a new Independent Living Administration within the agency, adding section 701A of the Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S.C. Federal Register provide legal notice to the public and judicial notice [FR Doc. These commenters were not able to give us a more detailed estimate of calculating the burden other than to ask for a substantial increase in funding for CILs. ACL appreciates this input and will consider these suggestions through the established processes. (b) In order to receive financial assistance under this part, a State shall submit to the Administrator a State plan for independent living. documents in the last year. It does not apply to other program income funds, including, but not limited to, payments provided to a State from the Social Security Administration for assisting Social Security beneficiaries and recipients to achieve employment outcomes, any other federal funds, or to other funds allocated by the State for IL purposes. Definition of independent living in the Definitions.net dictionary. ACL presented the current draft SILC standards of minimum compliance at the SILC Congress in January of 2016, and the final version will be published in the Federal Register with an opportunity for public comment. (e) The State plan must provide for the review and revision of the plan, not less than once every three years, to ensure the existence of appropriate planning, financial support and coordination, and other assistance to meet the requirements of section 704(a) of the Act. Register documents. Updating data collection will require changes to include the new fifth core services under WIOA. Our intent is to effectuate the limitation as required under the law, while helping ensure retention of DSEs for the Part B programs. Commenters supported this approach. In the context of eldercare, independent living is seen as a step in the continuum of care, with assisted living being the next step. should verify the contents of the documents against a final, official It is having the right and the opportunity to pursue a course of action. Center for independent living (CIL): Found in every major city in the United States, centers for independent living (also known as independent living centers) advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and provide them with support services and programs they need to achieve self-sufficient and productive lives. (1) Incidental to the overall operation of the Center; (2) Necessary so that the individual may receive an IL service; and. A Rule by the Community Living Administration on 10/27/2016. As was stated in the NPRM, the SILC indicators of minimum compliance are currently under development, a process which includes consideration of informal stakeholder input. More information and documentation can be found in our 7(17)(E)(iii) of the Act, 29 U.S.C. These can be useful For the purposes of this part, the following definitions apply: Act means the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Consumer control means, with respect to a Center or eligible agency, that the Center or eligible agency vests power and authority in individuals with disabilities, including individuals who are or have been recipients of IL services, in terms of the management, staffing, decision making, operation, and provision of services. CILs in these situations conduct discussions around the person's circumstances, possibilities and risks but the designation ultimately must be informed by consumer choice. (c) A designated State entity (DSE) that operated a Center in accordance with section 724(a) of the Act in fiscal year (FY) 2015 is eligible to continue receiving assistance under this part in FY 2016 or a succeeding fiscal year if, for the fiscal year for which assistance is sought—, (1) No nonprofit private agency submits and obtains approval of an acceptable application under section 722 or 723 of the Act to operate a Center for that fiscal year before a date specified by the Administrator; or. However, the regulations would not have a significant economic impact on States or Centers affected because the regulations would not impose excessive regulatory burdens or require unnecessary Federal supervision. 3515e. The SPIL must also include a justification for any funding allocation of Part B funds above 30% for the SILC's resource plan. It also gives CILs the greatest amount of flexibility to determine how to use their limited federal funds to meet the needs of individuals in their service area. the DSE is a governmental State entity that carries out the functions described in the statute in Section 704(c) of the Act, 29 U.S.C. Accordingly, in addition to revising the regulatory text in § 1329.13(c) to permit only a single DSE, § 1329.17(e) is deleted. (a) Centers receiving Part C funding shall be subject to periodic reviews, including on-site reviews, in accordance with sections 706(c), 722(g), and 723(g) of the Act and guidance set forth by the Administrator, to verify compliance with the standards and assurances in section 725(b) and (c) of the Act and the grant terms and conditions. We received several comments requesting that we define “home and community-based residences” for the purposes of the fifth core services. We have incorporated that recommendation in Start Printed Page 74684the regulatory text as part of the definition of the independent living core services. (a) To be eligible to receive assistance under this part, each State shall establish and maintain a SILC that meets the requirements of section 705 of the Act, including composition and appointment of members. A community that offers multiple levels of senior living, including independent living, assisted living, hospice and skilled nursing care. While we appreciate the concern, how school districts fulfill their responsibilities to students with disabilities is beyond the scope of this rule. This section establishes the process for competitive awards to new Centers for Independent Living in unserved or underserved regions. Section 1329.21, however, addresses priority for funding centers in States that receive funding under Section 723 of the Act, 29 U.S.C. Some commenters discussed the ways successful collaboration is already underway, that the new SPIL development process will result in a better State Plan; and ultimately have a positive impact for people with disabilities. The passage of WIOA in July 2014 put those efforts on hold until late 2014. Nineteen (19) States have been operating with more than one body taking on these responsibilities. 1414(d)), and who have completed their secondary education or otherwise left school, to postsecondary life.” 29 U.S.C. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. The final rule retains the proposed definition of CILs. However, it might be useful to note that some resources currently funded by HHS related to transition services reside in other agencies within the Department and ACL lacks the authority to direct how these transition funds are disbursed. ACL will work with the Department of Education and stakeholders to develop appropriate guidance on this matter. Even with the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, people with disabilities often find that advocacy and support from the disability community and the Disability Rights Movement is an essential element in enforcement of the civil rights law. Commenters requested that the definition also include individual consumer control. To participate actively in society means having opportunities to fulfill a range of social roles. better and aid in comparing the online edition to the print edition. This requirement, defined in the statute, focuses on providing independent living services to youth who are transitioning to postsecondary life after they have left school. In summary, future proposed changes to the Section 704 Annual Performance Report (Parts I and II) will be published in the Federal Register with opportunity for public comment. We also made a number of technical changes in the preamble, for example, to reflect that the term “704 Reporting Instruments” will no longer be used for data collection going forward, and to clarify potentially confusing references to the “State.”, ACL received numerous comments expressing concern about the person-centered planning language in the NPRM preamble, including the statement that person centered planning and consumer control “are not interchangeable terms.”. (1) Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual; (2) Has a record of such an impairment; or. on NARA's archives.gov. To be eligible to receive funds under this part, a Center must comply with the standards in section 725(b) and assurances in section 725(c) of the Act, with the indicators of minimum compliance, and the requirements contained in the terms and conditions of the grant award. This means that the public input requirement may be satisfied by a public meeting to get input prior to development of the SPIL, and then an opportunity for public comment before the SPIL is submitted, for instance through another public meeting where a preliminary draft is provided in advance, or by offering some other meaningful and accessible opportunity for the public to comment prior to SPIL submission. Developing an Effective Peer Support Program in Centers for Independent Living This course … We received comments recommending that the individual should determine whether or not he or she is at-risk through self-disclosure. Completed their secondary education means, with respect to the Independent Living Core Services that facilitate the transition of youth who are individuals with significant disabilities in section 7(17)(e)(iii) of the Act, that an eligible youth has received a diploma; has received a certificate of completion for high school or other equivalent document marking the completion of participation in high school; or has exceeded the age of eligibility for services under IDEA.
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