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Step 1: Start by defining your cupid’s bow.Step 2: Smoothly glide the lipstick to the other edge of both your upper and lower lips. * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Alexander Brovikov'Internal Search'; }); $.getJSON('/cart', function(cartItem){ name:product_name, 'componentName':product_type }); if (!':visible')) { // "Product URL = " + product_url + "," + "\n"+ trekkie.ready(function() { cart_total = parseInt(cart_total)/100; // var gwp_first_variant_id = "34639882256519"; //console.log("video ended"); Lakme Enrich Matte Lipstick, Shade Rm12, 4.7G MANUFACTURING DATE : 2019EXPIRY DATE : 2022COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : India }; digitalData.event.push(ev); var pageTransition = document.querySelector('.PageTransition'); 'productType':product_type, "@type": "Offer", //console.log(cartItem); $('.ProductMeta__ShareList a.ProductMeta__ShareItem, .Product__ShareList a.Product__ShareItem').click(function(){ },2000); // ****************************** event32 : Captures Input Errors while submit any form ************************ Turn up the fun with every swipe of Lakmé Absolute Matte Melt Mini Liquid Lip Colour! var prodcutQty = item.quantity; Should contain 404 for error pages ev.eventInfo={ 'eventLabel':"clicked on gigya sign up form or social platforms", 'eventValue':1 = articleDataPrice; }); } $('button#continue_button').click(function(){ 'primaryCategory':ctConstants.custom window.ShopifyAnalytics.lib.track( ev.eventInfo={ 'attributes': //var prodcutPrice = $(this).find('.product__price span').text().split('. var promoted = false; 'listPosition':product_position "availability":"", Shopify.currency = {"active":"INR","rate":"1.0"}; var subCategory3 ='Lakmé 9 to 5 Primer + Matte Lip Color'; var gwp_second_variant_id = ''; }); swatch_dropdown_reseter = true; parentNode.appendChild(iframe); var subCategory1 ='Shop'; //eVar6, eVar7, eVar8 values end 'type':ctConstants.trackEvent, 'eventLabel' : 'product', // console.log(gwp_first_range); }; 'price':product_price,'POST', endpointUrl); }, // "prodcut Category = " + prodcutCategory + "," + "\n" + iframe.role = "presentation"; (function(g,b,d,f){(function(a,c,d){if(a){ var productId = $(this).attr('data-variant-id'); 'eventLabel':product_name, Buy Lakme Enrich Satins Lip Color, Shade P149, 4.3 g online at low price in India on window.languages = { $('button#continue_button').click(function(){ MRP: 675. session_token[1] : "",page_type: "product"};window.navigator.sendBeacon("", JSON.stringify({schema_id: "online_store_buyer_site_abandonment/1.1",payload: payload,metadata: {event_created_at_ms: currentMs,event_sent_at_ms: currentMs}}));}}window.addEventListener('pagehide', handle_abandonment_event);}}()); 'brand':'Lakme', //console.log('Destination URL: '+destinationURL); // ****************************** scCheckout : Captured when a shopping cart is viewed************************ }; var product_name =$(this).find('.ProductItem__Title a').text(); var product_category = 'Lips'; level:2 } digitalData.event.push(ev); }); }, } var match = window.location.pathname.match(/checkouts\/(.+)\/(thank_you|post_purchase)/) // 'eventLabel' : 'Checkout Form', var first = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; var prodcutQty = $('.Cart__ItemList').find('.QuantitySelector__CurrentQuantity').attr('value'); showElementStaggering: true, digitalData.event.push(ev); var ev = {}; //console.log("scCheckout cart item"); // }; linkName = this_swatch+" swatch selected"; } //console.log("total===============" + cart_total); digitalData.cart.item=[]; var prodcutID = item.product_id; 'type':ctConstants.trackEvent, var number_of_result = $('.fuzzy-search .container__1 #results > div').length-1; } 'type':ctConstants.trackEvent, var shade = "20"; } On the cap, the branding is done in white fonts and at the base of the lipstick is mentioned the shade number, name and expiry date. 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