Favorable placement of Sun ensures success in life particularly in the field of job or profession. The Sun and its placement in one’s Horoscope (as well as the Moon) is an effective tool, used by the Astrologers since ages, to read and understand an individual’s psychology and personality – the strengths, the weaknesses etc. The Astrological Placement; Sun In Twelfth . Caste of the Sun: Kshatriya or Warrior. Learning about my 8th house Sun & Mars in Aries in 4th I was like “aha.” 348 comments Read about your Sun sign here. A natal chart or birth chart is a map of the sky including the positions of the planets for the time that you were born. Importance of the Sun in Vedic Astrology. Sun is a dry planet. The light of the sun, and the dark energy of the moon are your outer and inner personalities. Primary quality or guna of Sun: Sattva Guna or Serenity. It represents the male principle, the father, husband, men. Sun in the 1st This placement adds the solar power of the sun into the sign in the 1st house. Sun is the karaka or significator of: The Soul. Sun in own sign becomes the 8th house lord, the placement of which in the 8th house amplifies the positive outcomes and results of significations of Sun and the 8th house. It is considered a cruel and also a benefitting planet depending on its placement and equation with zodiac signs. Mainly all 7th house related matters can be associated with the Darakaraka Planet. Sun also plays a major role in influencing your health, which is why its placement in your birth chart is very important. As Sun in Sagittarius is exactly five houses away from its own sign Leo and placed auspiciously, it gives good results regarding the 5th house matters in Vedic astrology. The ten planets of astrology are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, ... Saturn is morose and cold, melancholic, and serious. The placement of the Sun in Leo indicates that the soul lesson is love. Furthermore, when Sun is exalted in the 8th house, it indicates being resistant to long-term diseases which promotes long life with stable health and strong immunity. The sun spends about a month visiting each sign and takes a year to journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac. It is who you are at your core and at your truest expression. Sun is also given great importance in Vedic astrology. Through the life, this energy of the Sun is evident. If this sun is exalted in Navamsa or Saptamsha, aspected by benefic planet like Jupiter or Moon, you can expect your spouse to have elegant personality and very good nature. Sun being a separative planet, its placement in 7th house is not good for marital life. [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Sun in 3rd houses vedic astrology” ] Sun in 3rd houses vedic astrology : Should the Sun occupy the 3rd house, the native will be powerful, valiant, wealthy and generous. Leo. Read more about the Sun in Astrology in general here. Leo is simply the sign of fame. If you were born on such a day, you will receive the message that your Sun sign is one of two possible signs. In Vedic Astrology, Sun has been described as Soul (Atma) of all beings. The Sun also describes the natural influence you wield that allows the people and things around you to grow and take form. The Sun with its Leo-inspired traits is your calling card, for a gregarious, forceful presence. What placement or aspect in your natal chart convinced you of astrology’s validity? The Sun in Astrology represents how you emanate into this world. Planetary cabinet status of Sun: King. Physiologically speaking, the Sun rules over the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart. It rules health, vital principle, authority, bosses, rank, title, high office, progress, dignity, energy, sense of identity and capacity for experience. Sun in Houses The house placement of the Sun shows the area of life where the vital energies generated by the Sun are likely to focus. Sun signifies strength, status, and influence in your immediate surrounding. If these are effective then the time of the native changes. Sun is also supposed to bestow great political power and fame.
Adverse placement can make a person arrogant and may cause mental and emotional disorders. In Vedic Astrology, Sun has been described as Soul (Atma) of all beings. Sun as relationship signifies: Father. If the Sun is placed in your 5th house, it will make you creative and expressive. The sun’s golden glow is a vital life force which imbues us with strength, energy, and a will to succeed. Temperament of Sun: Fixed and Steady. The Sun‘s position in the horoscope is your familiar Sun sign. Importance of Planet Sun in Astrology. On some days of the year, however, the Sun sign changes. It follows that, in astrology, the Sun represents the life force that holds the Self and all its different parts together. If the sun is posited in the 1 st house of the horoscope, it grants the native with a spark and vibrancy. We explain to you how the favorable and unfavorable placement of the Sun in your horoscope can have an impact on your life. It gives the native will-power, courage, and confidence, and blesses the native with good leadership skills. Leo In Prominent Placements. Importance of Sun in Vedic Astrology. You lead with the heart, and it’s hard for you to fake enthusiasm. The Sun grows shinier when directed toward conscious drives. Conclusion. In astrology, the Sun is the source of light of vitality, hope, romance, and love for all zodiac signs. It is the sun that gives strength to the other planets, which is why this planet occupies a key role in astrology. Nature of Sun: Cruel and Malefic. To determine your sun and moon placements, visit a free calculator here. Of course, I can’t finish this post without mentioning Leo all on it’s own. This is a good placement and confers decent health if there aren’t any diminishing factors. Basic Astrological facts about Sun Gender of Sun: Masculine. Where you are born has an impact on what is seen in the sky, e.g., if two people were born on the same day and at the same time but in a different city … So its placement in 7th house is not considered Auspicious. Astrology can provide guidance on how to balance and work with the two. Related: Earth Sign Astrology | Earth Signs vs. Sun Signs In The Birth Chart. Sun in 2nd houses vedic astrology : When the Sun is in the 2nd house at birth, the person concerned will be without any learning; he will be shameless and will be stammering. This is the area where you have lessons to learn. The 5th house is all about the matters of heart, feelings, and expression. The Moon holds its own, as the driver of the interior life, where so much is first dreamed up. Hence, the Sun is depicted as the Soul of the universe representing the life-force on the earth. It is a well-known fact that the Sun is a star. Now check which is your Darakaraka planet and … It does so in the manner discussed in the reading of the Sun sign. What this means is that it will enhance the sign bringing out a stronger urge for self-expression. Rulership of the Sun in Astrology. Note these house places in the natal chart, moon chart or other divisional charts (vargas) will elicit results for those specific charts. Your sunny attitude is contagious, but the heightened charge can feel overwhelming to others at times. But if Sun is well placed in the 7th house, your married life will be outstanding, even your marriage can give you popularity or fame. Element governed by Sun: Agni or Fire. Astrology is a very wide subject with many many layers of interpretation required to understand all the meanings provided by a persons natal chart (where all the planets were at their precise time of birth) in conjunction with the positions of the planets today, or at a time of importance for that person. In Vedic Astrology, the Sun represents authority and dominance. Your core identity and role in life are expressed through the Sun’s placement in your birth chart. Weak, debilitated, afflicted Sun in Astrology in 2 nd House: This position of Sun is not favorable for the family matters and comforts. In astrology, the Sun is considered to be the factor of the soul. Well, Sun’s placement will also influence the love relationship. In fact, even the health of the native get affected by the presence of the weak sun in this house. The Sun rules the Zodiac Sign of Leo. According to Vedic astrology, if the Sun is powerful in your birth chart, it will give power, position and authority. The native is filled with passion and positive energy. But, the Sun in Vedic astrology is a planet, as it has an effect on human beings. The Sun associated with any house illuminates the meaning of that house. You bring a bit of sunshine everywhere you go.
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