13.302-3 Obtaining contractor acceptance and modifying purchase orders. 13.402 Conditions for use. (b) Soliciting from a single source. Although not required to solicit from a specific number of schedule contractors, buyers should attempt to distribute orders among contractors. (a) Considerations. 13.303-4 Clauses.       (c) The use of imprest funds or third party drafts is considered to be advantageous to the Government; and The contracting officer or the contracting officer’s designated representative shall review the invoice price and, if reasonable (see 13.106-3(a)), process the invoice for payment. If the justification is to cover only the portion of the acquisition which is brand-name, then it should so state; the approval level requirements will then only apply to that portion. This prohibition applies to the use of covered telecommunications equipment or services, regardless of whether that use is in performance of work under a Federal contract. 13.106 Soliciting competition, evaluation of quotations or offers, award and documentation. • (d) If, for a particular purchase greater than the micro-purchase threshold, there is an insufficient number of BPAs to ensure maximum practicable competition, the contracting officer shall- Third party draft means an agency bank draft, similar to a check, that is used to acquire and to pay for supplies and services. (2) The limitation for individual purchases for commercial item acquisitions conducted under subpart  13.5 is $7.5 million ($15 million for acquisitions as described in 13.500(c)). (b) The Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) Council will include any law enacted after October 13,1994, that sets forth policies, procedures, requirements, or restrictions for the acquisition of property or services, on the list set forth in paragraph (a) of this section.                 (i) The supplier’s name and address;                 (ii) Where an evaluation is based only on price and past performance, make an award based on whether the lowest priced of the quotations or offers having the highest past performance rating possible represents the best value when compared to any lower priced quotation or offer. Subpart 13.2 - Actions At or Below the Micro-Purchase Threshold            (5) Include any trade and prompt payment discounts that are offered, consistent with the applicable principles at 14.408-3. (c) Since there is, for all practical purposes, simultaneous placement of the order and delivery of the items, clauses are not required for purchases using imprest funds or third party drafts. These are particularly common in information technology acquisitions, but they may apply to any supply or service.                 (i) Is a compilation of the most commonly used clauses that apply to simplified acquisitions; and Also, do not delete a paragraph without providing for an appropriate substitute. (4) Cite the pertinent purchase requisitions and the accounting and appropriation data. (e) The individual authorized to make purchases using imprest funds or third party drafts shall- (b) If a purchase order that has not been accepted in writing by the contractor is to be canceled, the contracting officer shall notify the contractor in writing that the purchase order has been canceled, request the contractor’s written acceptance of the cancellation, and proceed as follows: (a) Each purchase order (and each purchase order modification (see 13.302-3)) shall incorporate all clauses prescribed for the particular acquisition. (c) Under 41 U.S.C. (6) Invoices. For example, do not add an inspection and acceptance or termination for convenience requirement unless the existing requirement is deleted. 13.105 Synopsis and posting requirements. 5 million for purchases outside the U.S.; and 1354(a) Limitation on Use of Appropriated Funds for Contracts with Entities Not Meeting Veterans' Employment Reporting Requirements (see 22.1302). If a supplier requests information on an award that was based on factors other than price alone, a brief explanation of the basis for the contract award decision shall be provided (see 15.503(b)(2)). (v) Except for DoD, contracting officers shall ensure the criteria at 15.101-2(c)(1)-(5) are met when using the lowest price technically acceptable source selection process. (i) Repairs to equipment requiring disassembly to determine the nature and extent of repairs; (ii) Material available from only one source and for which cost cannot readily be established; or. (B) If the contracting officer chooses not to include price or cost as an evaluation factor for the contract award, in accordance with paragraph (a)(2)(iv)(A) of this section, the contracting officer shall consider price or cost as one of the factors in the selection decision for each order placed under the contract. Drawings and lengthy specifications can be provided off-line in hard copy or through other appropriate means. (a) Solicitation, evaluation of quotations, and award. (b) The status information may be used as the basis to ensure that small business concerns are provided the maximum practicable opportunities to respond to solicitations issued using simplified acquisition procedures. Offices maintaining additional vendor source files or listings should identify the status of each source (when the status is made known to the contracting office) in the following categories: (1) Small business. (4) For acquisitions conducted using a method that permits electronic response to the solicitation, the contracting officer may- (2) If the contractor does not accept the cancellation or claims that costs were incurred as a result of beginning performance under the purchase order, the contracting officer shall process the action as a termination prescribed in paragraph (a) of this subsection. 2593e(c)(3)(B) to provide a certification does not apply.).                 (iii) Cash advances and reimbursements.                 (ii) Oral solicitation is more efficient than soliciting through available electronic commerce alternatives; and (2) If telecommuting is not prohibited, agencies shall not unfavorably evaluate an offer because it includes telecommuting unless the contracting officer executes a written determination in accordance with FAR 7.108(b). In most cases, this will consist merely of showing the names of the suppliers contacted and the prices and other terms and conditions quoted by each. 13.404 Contract clause. Policies and regulations concerning the establishment of and accounting for imprest funds and third party drafts, including the responsibilities of designated cashiers and alternates, are contained in PartIV of the Treasury Financial Manual for Guidance of Departments and Agencies, Title 7 of the GAO Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies, and the agency implementing regulations. The contracting officer must promote competition to the maximum extent practicable to obtain supplies and services from the source whose offer is the most advantageous to the Government, considering the administrative cost of the purchase.                 (iii) Current price lists, catalogs, or advertisements.            (1) The amount of the purchase is at or below the micro-purchase threshold, except for purchases made under unusual and compelling urgency or in support of contingency operations. (a) Solicitation, evaluation of quotations, and award. (a) The contracting officer placing orders under a BPA, or the designated representative of the contracting officer, shall review a sufficient random sample of the BPA files at least annually to ensure that authorized procedures are being followed.            (1) There is a wide variety of items in a broad class of supplies or services that are generally purchased, but the exact items, quantities, and delivery requirements are not known in advance and may vary considerably. (a) If a purchase order that has been accepted in writing by the contractor is to be terminated, the contracting officer shall process the termination in accordance with- The contracting office should establish and maintain records of oral price quotations in order to reflect clearly the propriety of placing the order at the price paid with the supplier concerned. (a) This subpart authorizes the use of simplified procedures for the acquisition of supplies and services in amounts greater than the simplified acquisition threshold but not exceeding $7.5 million ($15 million for acquisitions as described in 13.500(c)), including options, if the contracting officer reasonably expects, based on the nature of the supplies or services sought, and on market research, that offers will include only commercial items.            (1) The simplified acquisition threshold for other than commercial items, use any appropriate combination of the procedures in parts  13, 14, 15, 35, or 36, including the use of Standard Form1442, Solicitation, Offer, and Award (Construction, Alteration, or Repair), for construction contracts (see 36.701(a)); or (4) For acquisitions conducted using a method that permits electronic response to the solicitation, the contracting officer may- At the contracting officer’s discretion, one or more, but not necessarily all, of the evaluation procedures in part  14 or 15 may be used. (a) A blanket purchase agreement (BPA) is a simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or services by establishing "charge accounts" with qualified sources of supply (see subpart  16.7 for additional coverage of agreements). 13.002 Purpose. (c) The existence of a BPA does not justify purchasing from only one source or avoiding small business set-asides. simplified acquisition threshold merely to permit use of simplified acquisition procedures. (ii) $35,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States. subpart  13.5 provides special authority for acquisitions of commercial items exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold but not exceeding $7.5 million ($15 million for acquisitions as described in 13.500 (c)), including options. (3) Other established contracts. (iv) An invoice for subscriptions or other charges for newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals shall show the starting and ending dates and shall state either that ordered subscriptions have been placed in effect or will be placed in effect upon receipt of payment. (b) If the fast payment procedure is used, include the requirements stated in 13.403. Agency procedures should encourage use of the card in greater dollar amounts by contracting officers to place orders and to pay for purchases against contracts established under part  8 procedures, when authorized; and to place orders and/or make payment under other contractual instruments, when agreed to by the contractor. Priced or unpriced contracts, purchase orders, or BPAs using the fast payment procedure shall include the following: (a) A requirement that the supplies be shipped transportation or postage prepaid. (b) The Governmentwide commercial purchase card shall be the preferred method to purchase and to pay for micro-purchases (see 2.101).            (1) Solicit quotations based on personal preference; or (2) There is a need to provide commercial sources of supply for one or more offices or projects in a given area that do not have or need authority to purchase otherwise. (iv) The dollar value of the proposed purchase. Authorized individual means a person who has been granted authority, in accordance with agency procedures, to acquire supplies and services in accordance with this part. (v) Past experience concerning specific dealers’ prices. The requirements of 13.003(b) and subpart  19.5 also apply to each order.       (c) Promote efficiency and economy in contracting; and            (2) The purchase is for- However, if the purchase is assigned to another activity for administration, the authorized Government representative shall document receipt and acceptance of supplies or services by signing and dating the agency specified form after verification and after notation of any exceptions.       (c) Develop and issue appropriate implementing regulations. 13.305-1 General. (b) General procedural instructions governing the form’s use are printed on the form and on the inside front cover of each book of forms. (1) On or after August 13, 2019, do not procure or obtain, or extend or renew a contract to procure or obtain, any equipment, system, or service that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part of any system, unless an exception applies or a waiver is granted. Policies and regulations concerning the establishment of and accounting for imprest funds and third party drafts, including the responsibilities of designated cashiers and alternates, are contained in PartIV of the Treasury Financial Manual for Guidance of Departments and Agencies, Title 7 of the GAO Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies, and the agency implementing regulations.                 (i) Recurring requirements for the same or similar supplies or services seem likely; An agency should respond to inquiries received through any medium (including electronic commerce) if doing so would not interfere with the efficient conduct of the acquisition. Prepare BPAs on the forms specified in 13.307. The file shall be documented to support the final action taken.                 (ii) Inclusive of transportation charges from the shipping point of the supplier to the delivery destination. This authority is not delegable except as provided in 6.304(a)(4). (iii) Date of purchase. 2305(a)(3), for DoD, NASA, and the Coast Guard—, (A) The contracting officer may choose not to include price or cost as an evaluation factor for award when a solicitation—. (3) Purchase limitation.            (2) Satisfy the procedures described in subpart  19.6 with respect to Certificates of Competency before rejecting a quotation, oral or written, from a small business concern determined to be nonresponsible (see subpart  9.1); and (vi) Quantity, unit price, and extension of each item, less applicable discounts (unit prices and extensions need not be shown when incompatible with the use of automated systems, provided that the invoice is itemized to show this information). The requirements of 13.003(b) and subpart  19.5 also apply to each order.                 (v) The contracting officer’s personal knowledge of the item being purchased;       (b) Take prompt action to have imprest funds or third party draft accounts adjusted to a level commensurate with demonstrated needs whenever circumstances warrant such action; and The contracting officer or the contracting officer’s designated representative shall review the invoice price and, if reasonable (see 13.106-3(a)), process the invoice for payment. The Governmentwide commercial purchase card may be used by contracting officers and other individuals designated in accordance with 1.603-3.            (1) Designation of personnel authorized to make purchases using imprest funds or third party drafts; and (a) Except as provided under the unpriced purchase order method (see 13.302-2), purchase orders generally are issued on a fixed-price basis. (ii) An itemized invoice shall be submitted at least monthly or upon expiration of this BPA, whichever occurs first, for all deliveries made during a billing period and for which payment has not been received.
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